Write Your First Visual Basic Program

Lesson 2
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More Variable Types
What will be printed on the form after
executing the following code?

Dim ABC As Integer
ABC = 4.8
Print ABC

The Integer variable can't store a number with fraction,
So the computer will round the 4.8 to 5, and will
Insert 5 to the ABC variable.
So the Command  Print ABC  will print 5 on the form.

So how can you store a number with fraction in a variable?
For this purpose you have other variable types that can
store round numbers like the Integer type, and in addition can
store numbers with fractions.

The Variable types list:

Byte - Can store only Integer numbers between 0 to 255

Integer - Can store only Integer numbers between -32,768 to 32,767

Long - Can store only Integer numbers between -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

Single - Can store Non-Integer (numbers with fractions) Numbers
            between -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values,
            and 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values.

Double - Can store Non-Integer Numbers between
             -1.79769313486231E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values,
             and 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for positive values

Why would I use Byte variable that can store Integer numbers
between 0 to 255, while I can use Integer variable that can store
numbers between -32,768 to 32,767?

The Answer is: Because the Byte variable is taking less memory.

So if you have variable that will not store numbers
greater than 255 or less than 0, declare it as Byte variable
and save a little amount of memory.

If you need to store Non-Integer numbers in variable,
declare it as Single or as Double.

The Declaring command is very simple:

Dim Abc As Double
Dim Blah As Single
Dim Popeye As Byte

And so on.

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