Make 3D Forms
'Add 1 Command Button to your form.
'Insert this code to your form:
Public Sub ThreeDForm(frmForm As Form)
Const cPi = 3.1415926
Dim intLineWidth As Integer
intLineWidth = 5
Dim intSaveScaleMode As Integer
intSaveScaleMode = frmForm.ScaleMode
frmForm.ScaleMode = 3
Dim intScaleWidth As Integer
Dim intScaleHeight As Integer
intScaleWidth = frmForm.ScaleWidth
intScaleHeight = frmForm.ScaleHeight
frmForm.Line (0, intScaleHeight)-(intLineWidth, 0), &HFFFFFF, BF
frmForm.Line (0, intLineWidth)-(intScaleWidth, 0), &HFFFFFF, BF
frmForm.Line (intScaleWidth, 0)-(intScaleWidth - intLineWidth, _
intScaleHeight), &H808080, BF
frmForm.Line (intScaleWidth, intScaleHeight - intLineWidth)-(0, _
intScaleHeight), &H808080, BF
Dim intCircleWidth As Integer
intCircleWidth = Sqr(intLineWidth * intLineWidth + intLineWidth * intLineWidth)
frmForm.FillStyle = 0
frmForm.FillColor = QBColor(15)
frmForm.Circle (intLineWidth, intScaleHeight - intLineWidth), intCircleWidth, _
QBColor(15), -3.1415926, -3.90953745777778
frmForm.Circle (intScaleWidth - intLineWidth, intLineWidth), intCircleWidth, _
QBColor(15), -0.78539815, -1.5707963
frmForm.Line (0, intScaleHeight)-(0, 0), 0
frmForm.Line (0, 0)-(intScaleWidth - 1, 0), 0
frmForm.Line (intScaleWidth - 1, 0)-(intScaleWidth - 1, intScaleHeight - 1), 0
frmForm.Line (0, intScaleHeight - 1)-(intScaleWidth - 1, intScaleHeight - 1), 0
frmForm.ScaleMode = intSaveScaleMode
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Replace all 'Me' below with the name of the form you want to
transform to 3D
ThreeDForm Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
ThreeDForm Me
End Sub