If you have no Visual Basic experience but have a
desire to learn about the language, you'll find Peter Wright's
Beginning Visual Basic 6 useful. Furthermore, you'll find it useful
for more than a week--the author covers advanced problems as well as
language fundamentals. He begins with some introductory information about
the development environment's interface and moves on to key aspects of the
language, such as graphical controls, variables, arrays, loops, and other
control structures. The book then explores different kinds of resources,
one at a time, before ending with a series of case studies.
Throughout, Wright's style is clear and informed. He often inserts a
program's source code into his commentary and then proceeds to examine it
in depth. This Talmudic approach proves quite enlightening. His examples
aren't overly academic, either. For example, you'll find a database-aware
program to manage a library's collection in the text. Indeed, database
programming--the bread and butter of professional Visual Basic
programmers--is covered very well.
Coverage of ActiveX control creation, one of Visual Basic 6's most
important features, isn't as lavish as that of other topics, but real-life
Visual Basic development still focuses on stand-alone applications, after
all. --David
(saima_k_2000@hotmail.com), a student from Pakistan, January 19, 2001,
Visual Basic 6.0
This book is very useful for the
implementation of the database in Visual Basic.Telling the user how you
would implement the loops and checks in it to make the powerful
(Rosta32@hotmail.com), CS student in Columbia U., December 9, 2000,
The worst programming book, ever
Before picking this book up
I have had C, C++, and Java experience; I have also played around with VB
on my own. The book starts out very slow introducing the reader to the
computer, etc. Then it just takes off not explaining anything in detail,
but just brushes on topics while explaining other topics; new things are
introduced in examples for unrelated topics. For example, bitwise
operations are introduced in an example for List controls. The first thing
I expected the book to do is explain controls' properties, it didn't even
do that. After briefly explaining a topic the books presents long,
confusing examples that introduce new topics w/o explainations. The
language is very friendly and non-technical, which seemed good to me in
the beginning, but after a few chapters the corny jokes and cliches became
annoying. The book also makes a HORRIBLE reference manual, many of the
subtle concepts are not covered and the Index contains the least
information of all programming books I've seen, it has more references to
their examples and problems than VB. If want a book that throws a lot of
examples at you w/o explaining anything in detail and makes a horrible
reference manual for when you're actually programming, buy this
Lorinda, a
programmer, new to Visual Basic., November 16, 2000,
beginner's book
This book provides a great introduction to writing
applications in VB. The code samples and explanations are excellent. I
would recommend this book to anyone who is new to VB and object oriented
programming. Although VB is not truly OOP, it helps you to learn the basic
Also recommended: Microsoft Visual Basic Professional
Step by Step (Microsoft Press) Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database
Programming (Wrox)
A reviewer, a
college student, September 18, 2000,
This book
jumps around, and teaches what seems to be obvious first, then jumps
straight into the 'hard stuff' without background. I am having to use
other books as well to help me.
Chris Jasen, an NT
Consultant, February 9, 2000,
Superb Introduction to
Extremely good introduction to VB 6. I have a CS degree, but
haven't programmed in 10 years, before Object Oriented programming caught
on. This book helped me to understand the concepts of OO programming.
Everything else is good too. Highly recommended.